
A package to permute and bootstrap an analysis using lm and append useful statistics to a tidy table



  1. tidy_lm_bootstrap_permute: permute and bootstrap lm and output the results as a tidy table.
  2. tidy_lm_permute: permute lm and output the results as a tidy table.
  3. tidy_lm_add_r_squared: add r.squared and adj.r.squared to tidy table of lm results.
  4. tidy_lm_add_multiple_comparison_correction: add a column of multiple-comparison corrected p-values to tidy table of lm results.
  5. tidy_lm_add_logical_significance: add a logical column of significance comparing p-values to alpha to tidy table of lm results.


This package relies on the following tidyverse packages: broom, dplyr, modelr, tibble, and tidyr.